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We had an absolutely perfect day with our tour guide - Rogin Luo - who took us for a hike along The Great Wall! Didn't know what to expect and were thrilled to have him as our guide. Very imformative, knowledgable and fun! We go to experience a part of The Great Wall that was unrestored and see all its natural beauty. Got a long history lesson along the way!

After the hike, we all went to lunch at a small place at the bottom of the hill. Located in a house, we ate lunch in the proprietors bedroom! What a hoot! Rogin is the Best of the Best! This tour company delivered for us and we are extremely grateful.

Westborough, Massachusetts
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Wuzhen Water Town

Wuzhen is just about one hour's drive from Hangzhou City. Wuzhen with a history of over 1,200 years, still preserves ancient buildings and town layout.It used to be a water-town. The river winding through the town was once the major tools of transportation for local villagers. But today the rivers are not so active as before. The town is now open to the public for tourism. Bridges of all sizes stride over the streams.

The town is dotted with the ponds and green trees. People can have boating on the rivers. Wuzheng Town also has many famous historical cultural relics. Wuzheng Town is most noted for being the hometown of Mao Dun, a great literary master in modern China. Mao Dun's former living place, a building of the Qing Dynasty, is situated in the middle of Guanqian Street in Wuzheng Town. In 1988, it was listed by the State Council as a relic under the special protection of the State.

The town is still a living village, where daily life goes on as it has for the last thousand years.silk-spinners, Coppersmiths, and wood-caver work at their age-old crafts. Rickshaw drivers exchange stories and talk to each other as they wait for passengers. People cart water, cook meals and tend their gardens. You find many locals gathering in a square happily playing chess, old grannies pushing cabbages in rickety wooden carts. They seem contented and most of all they seem to like observing the passing parade, which offers a rich source of amusement.

Wuzhen Water Town

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