Shanghai Taxi
Taxi quantity in Shanghai
Shanghai currently has about 45,000 legitimate cabs.
Current legal taxi models
Models: Santanas, a vehicle made for China by Volkswagon
Taxi companies with their unique colors of vehicle
There are over 100 taxi companies in Shanghai. Of all the taxi companies, Dazhong, Qiangsheng and Jingjiang are most strongly recommended.
Dazhong is sky blue: the largest taxi company in Shanghai. The drivers are very professional and all the cars are new and in good condition.

Qiansheng is yellow: the service they provide is also professional.

Jingjiang is white: The service is average. But the driver of Jingjiang are more familiar with the roads and the city.

Shanghai Taxi Rates
Comprehensive Price: price = base fare RMB 12 (first three kilometers) + RMB 2.4 for every succeeding km within 10 km and RMB 3.6 for every succeeding km after 10 km Night taxi service (from daily 23:00 to the next 05:00 ): price = base fare RMB 16 + RMB 3.1 for every succeeding km within 10 km and RMB 4.1 for every succeeding km after 10 km
Waiting in a traffic jam or for the lights to turn green, it is charged as 1 kilometer per 5 minutes.
Taxi call or Enquiry in Shanghai
Dazhong: 021-96822Qiangsheng: 021-62580000
Jinjiang: 021-96961
Bashi: 021-96840
Haibo: 021-96965

Taxi Meters and driver ID
Every Xian cab has a meter. On the top of the meters is a big lever to start and stop it. When the meter is turned off, the "For Hire" sign will appears in the window. It is a small red sign, which lights up at night easily to be seen. When you enter the taxi and tell the driver where you are going, the driver should drop the lever, so other potential customers can see the cab is already occupied. Once the lever has been put down and removed from the window, the meter should then start.
On the dashboard on the passenger side is a placard with the drivers registration number. If this placard is missing then avoid it. So every official taxi should have his license prominently displayed in the front of the cab facing the front passenger seat. If your taxi has no license displayed, we suggest you find a different taxi. On the dashboard on the passenger side is a placard with the drivers registration number.
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