Wanshou Temple

One km west of Zhenjue Temple, along the Changhe River, is Wanshou (longevit)Temple. Wanshou Temple was built in 1578

The temple is divided into three sections: The middle one is composed of the entrance gate, Tianwang Hall, Mahavira Hall, Wanshou Tower, Dachan Hall, Bodhisattva Hall and Amitayu Hall arranged in order from south to north; the eastern section is the abbot’s quarters; and the western sections is the imperial quarters.
When the emperors and empresses of the Qing Dynasty made an excursion by waterway to the Summer Palace and Western Hills, they went ashore at Guangyuanzha, to the east of Wanshou Temple. They burned incense and worshipped Buddha in Wanshou Temple before continuing their journey in an other boat.
Ticket Price:CNY20
How to get there: Bus No.74,300, 482,534,658,699,9444,967,968
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