Mosque in Huashi

The Huashi Mosque was first built in 1415 during the reign of the emperor YongLe in Ming Dynasty. It has a long history of more than 500 years, located on the southern side of the Huashi Street in Chongwen. According to the legend, The Mosque was the residence of Changyuchun, a famous general in the Ming Dynasty.
The now existing architecture Worship Hall is the largest architecture in the temple. There were texts of Koran on the right and left wall of the Hall, which has not in wxistence now. An Imperial Edict Pavilio lies to the opposite of the Hall, where kept the Stone Tablet of Emperor Yongzheng originalylly. Now the tablet has been moved out. There are also Jinggutang, bathing room, Xunyue Platform, Classics Room and Living Room in the Temple. Now except Xun Yue Platform, the other architectures are kept integratedly.
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