Explore Mang City China



Explore Mang City, a Beautiful Extension of China 

There are a lot of tourist destinations in China, and almost all of them have transformed completely from what they were a few decades ago. Taking examples of cities like Beijing and Shanghai, and their transformation into thriving metropolitans, often tourists look for natural beauty in places while visiting, and in these cases the polish of swanky cities does not matter much. This is why lesser known spots are becoming more popular in the country, and one such place is the Mang City which lies in the border region of China and Burma. It is one of the most beautiful places in China.

 Mang City, a Developing Tourist Spot

There is no better teacher than experience and what could offer someone experience that is more pleasurable than travel? This is why study abroad programs are a popular part of the education curriculum. No matter where one goes on gap year programs, there is a lot to learn. One can opt for gap year jobs or to learn the language of that country. These activities combined with traveling help one develop tolerance for cultures alien to most. Traveling to other countries on gap year programs also helps develop understanding unlike any other. The best part is that one gets to see some of the most beautiful places in the world.  

This is particularly true for Chinese language programs and summer programs for high school students. China is the hot spot for studying abroad today. This is not only because it is a developing and potent economy but also because the nation has opened itself to the world unlike any time before. People from around the world have noticed China and accepted it as one of the big economic powers of the world. But what they do not know is that the nation is also one of the biggest on the planet and harbors natural beauty that surpasses most exotic spots.  

If someone needs to study in China during his or her gap year, then he or she is into a big surprise. The travel itinerary can be extensive and helps one tour a huge variety of places in the country. One of such exotic and beautiful destinations is the Mang City. This is a city in Luxi Province and was earlier known as Luxi City.  

This city lies west of Yunnan Province which is the cultural center of China. The province harbors 51 out of the 52 ethnic minorities in China, and therefore is the perfect place for language and culture studies. Mang City is a destination for the weekends and also is the gateway to Burma. All those students who want to visit south Asian countries like Burma would certainly go to Mang City.  

The city is among one of the most beautiful places in China, but much lesser known. Only a quarter of its area lies on the plains and the rest lies in the mountains. The city is the home to ethnicities like Dai, Deang, Acang, Lisu and Jingpo communities. With its popularity soaring as a tourist destination, gradually Mang City is also developing. From a small foot hill town in the1990s, it has become home to more than three hundred and thirty thousand people. The ethnic population, which has lived in the region for generations, comprises of half of the current population.  

Another reason why Mang City has gained importance is because of the abundance of its natural resources. The city has lush forest resources along with comprehensive mineral deposits. The availability of clean water also has helped in its rapid advancement. This is a place that would be a tourist’s perfect haven.

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