Beijing’s third snowfall 2011

Waked up by the shovels and besoms outside around 7:20am, stumble to the window, open the curtain, yes, as expected the outside world has been coated with light snow, the third snowfall in Beijing 2011 precisely broadcasted by the weatherman yesterday.

The snow the terrace
Some of the residents in our housing area are volutearly cleaning the snow with shovels and besoms.

Shoveling the snow

Besoming the snow
Today’s snow is more like sleet than normal snow, much wetter than last three snowfalls this year, which are dry and light. So today’ snow is better for alleviating the drought situation in Beijing and purifying the air quality as well.
Today's snow is much wetter, a little like sleet.
The snow on the main roads have melted partly due to the anti-freezing agent and the wet snow.

the snow on the main roads have melted partly due to the anti-freezing agent and the wet snow.
Compared with the two previous snowfalls in Beijing, it is reported that the third snowfall in will be the longest with two snowing periods – yeterday till this morning and this evening till tomorrow morning, long and fitful,  but not continous.

The snow lightly coated buildings
Watch out if you do outside activities today and tomorrow. The day after tomorrow (next Monday) is a good day: overcast and fine, with 5 degree celsius maxim during the day.

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